Tips & Tricks

5 Easy Breezy Tips for Healthier Traveling

Travel Tips Header{I always find room in my bag for sneakers…sorry pup, you won’t fit…}

I’m getting ready to jump on another flight to spend the week working out of town.

For those of you who are like me, and randomly have 3 hotel room keys in their bag at a time, OR even for the folks who only travel when it’s time to use up those vacation days – there just seems to be a gravitational pull to all things unhealthy the second you walk out your front door with that wheely bag.

As a semi-seasoned traveler, I’ve developed some handy dandy tips that are a sure fire way to keep you at least a little healthier while you’re out roaming the world.

Travel Tip 1

I know, sneakers can take up their fair share of suitcase real estate, but you will never regret having them.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve traveled with someone who didn’t bring workout clothes and they were kicking themselves the entire trip.  If you don’t pack the necessities to break a sweat, you have about a 0% chance of….shock….breaking a sweat!

Travel Tip 2

I just started traveling with my own water bottle.  Honestly, I can’t believe it took me so long to add one to my bag.  Just flying alone often leaves people super dehydrated, which is why I fill mine up as soon as I make it through security.  Besides staying hydrated, drinking enough water helps you feel more full, and prevents random unnecessary snacking throughout the day. Which leads me to my next tip….

Travel Tip 3

I always try to have my own snacks on hand so that I don’t end up in a situation where I’m starving and feel like I need to eat every not-so-healthy thing that I see. I’m a big fan of KIND mini bars and Belvita breakfast biscuits because they’re easy to travel with and they keep me full.

Travel Tip 4

When I first started traveling, I would order a glass (or two) of wine every night at dinner and have some sort of dessert at least twice a day.  Let me be clear: that’s not my normal eating pattern, but hey, I was on vacation.  Nope, when you spend half your time traveling, you’re not on vacation, you’re in real life.  When you’re exploring a new city or country, by all means, sample different foods, try a new cocktail.  But if at home, you would normally eat half a cup of pasta, and while you’re traveling you find yourself chowing down on 3 cups…maybe it’s time to slow down a bit.

Travel Tips Footer{my favorite new PFE water bottle and a book I’ve loving right now!}

 What are you favorite travel tips for staying healthy?

12 thoughts on “5 Easy Breezy Tips for Healthier Traveling

  1. I wish I could take my Breville 800JEXL juicer with me when I travel. Maybe the hotels should swap out their I room coffee makers with a nice juicer and a Vitamix blender too for smoothies.


  2. I definitely need a water bottle for the plane. I travel pretty regularly. And I was realizing that I was so bloated after I flew. Turns out, it was because I’d get thirsty, drink some carbonated diet beverage that the plane offered, and voila… bloat.

    One of the coolest things I found recently, is that certain hotels let you rent sneakers and workout clothes for 5 dollars (or free depending on your status, I think!) It’s a total life saver when you want to pack light!


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